I’ve Got Bumps in my Rump-Let’s Talk Hemorrhoids and Natural Ways to Heal

For some of us, hemorrhoids may have never been on our minds during birth, while others may have heard stories and feared the worse. Let’s talk about those bumps. How and why do they happen? What are our options for healing?

What are they & why?

Hemorrhoids are swollen blood vessels that are soft to the touch and can range in size from a peanut to a grape. They usually stick out from the rectum and can be very painful and itchy, especially while trying to make a movement. As baby grows during pregnancy, extra pressure is being put on the pelvic vein and the lower part of the body which can cause swelling. Constipation can be another reason due to all the extra straining as well as pushing a baby out. Most hemorrhoids go away on their own within six months but there are many things we can do to alleviate discomfort and help the healing process.

Get them to go away with these tips.

  • Many of us have heard of or used padsicles after birth. They’re also great for that sore bum! Place a pad with a few drops of witch hazel in the freezer and let it thaw out a few minutes before use. The frozen pad can help with swelling while witch hazel soothes the pain. You can also add aloe vera and other essential oils such as lavender.
  • Witch hazel is an astringent and can help fight off infections while promoting skin to heal.
  • Soak in a sitz bath. Who doesn’t love a few moments to yourself while relaxing in the tub? If you don’t want to take a bath, you can use a small plastic basin or shallow bowl to create a bath just for your bum. You can buy these at most drug stores. Adding half a cup to a cup of apple cider vinegar to your bath also helps with the swelling as It has natural anti-inflammatory properties. Be sure to use raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar for best results. You can also put some on a cotton ball and place It on your hemorrhoid.
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Here’s a home made recipe for a sitz bath:

  •  15 drops of chamomile oil.
  • 15 drops of lavender oil
  • 15 drops of geranium oil
  •  1 cup of raw apple cider vinegar
  •  2/3 cup epsom salts,

Check with your health care provider if you have questions about these oils before using.

  • Got some baby wipes laying around? Use those to thoroughly clean that area after going to the bathroom. Using water in a squirt bottle to wash is another choice. You can add a few drops of witch hazel into the bottle or on the wipes. They also sell wipes with witch hazel online.
  •  A donut pillow helps while sitting down, you can even use your boppy nursing pillow when baby isn’t. But try not to sit down for long periods of times as it can cause your rectum to swell. Laying down on your side while nursing is a good alternative and going for short walks helps.
  • Drinking lots of water while eating high fiber foods such as fruits, vegetables, and beans help make your movements regular and easier to pass.
  • Aloe Vera is a great source of vitamin E for moisturizing and itching pain relief. Coconut oil is another option for moisturization.
  •  Invest in a Squatty Potty!

Kegel exercises are also a great way to increase circulation in the rectal area and strengthen those muscles. They also help strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, which support the uterus, bladder, small intestine and rectum. Doing these can help you heal faster after birth and reduce the chance of hemorrhoids.

If you had any tears or an episiotomy done with stitching near or to the rectum, it’s important to talk to your health care provider about any home care remedies for hemorrhoids you want to try. 

Bumps in your rump are not fun, but are very common in pregnant mothers and after birth. If you’re looking for other options besides the over the counter creams these are some great remedies!

-Adilah, Doula